
May 27 - 28, 2025   |   Boston, USA

Hands-on workshop on May 29, 2025


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The 8th Single Cell Proteomics Conference (SCP2025) will be held at Northeastern University in Boston, USA. It will be at Northeastern University in the John D. O’Bryant building, 1st floor (40 Leon Street).

Register and submit abstracts

Submit an abstract

Abstract deadline: April 1, 2025

Register for SCP2025

Deadline: May 20, 2025
Reserve a hotel




Tuesday May 28

The day will start with a primer and overview of current trends in single-cell mass spec proteomics. Then we will transition to talks and discussions. As usual for the meeting, we will have ample time for formal and informal discussions.

Breakfast and lunch will be provided on site.

Speaker Title ET GMT Your local time
Registration and breakfast 8:30 12:30
Opening remarks 9:00 13:00



Wednesday May 29

The day will start with a primer and overview of current trends in single-molecule proteomics. Then we will transition to talks and discussions. As usual for the meeting, we will have ample time for formal and informal discussions.

Breakfast and lunch will be provided on site.

Speaker Title ET GMT Your local time
Registration and breakfast 8:30 12:30

Thursday May 29 | Workshop

A full day hand-on workshop at PTI will take participants from biological samples through sample preparation via nPOP to mass spectrometry data acquisition and analysis.

  • Participation is free with in-person conference registration but requires Workshop Registration. To facilitate interactions and hands-on experience, participation is limited.


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Gold sponsors